"Andrew Delany developed a vibrational sound therapy chair to increase music enjoyment for my husband diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. This chair benefited us in many more ways than music enjoyment.
We noted significant improvements in my husband's engagement, animation, and initiate of ideas in conversations, the length and complexity of sentences, diverse vocabulary, and conceptualizations.He would sing and comment on the lyrics and other topics.
I noticed that his verbal memory improved, not just with regard to long forgotten music,'when is Andrew coming come back with that chair?' Previously, he couldn't remember Andrew's name or why he came. These behaviors were very different from times he was clearly enjoying conversations and other activities.
To see these changes were exciting and beneficial to me as well. It is particularly amazing to me as a research oriented clinical psychologist in cognitive behavioral medicine for over 40 years to observe these transformations.
As a sound therapist, biofeedback therapist, and ex social worker, Andrew is adept at matching frequencies and music knowledge to the conditions of the client.His skills and knowledge in this area are beyond excellent; he is gifted.
My wish is that this resource could be available to others to enhance the quality of their lives."
- Arna M. Munford, Ph. D.
Retired, Clinical Psychologist
Sonoma County, CA
"Andrew is able, with his own clarity and presence, to invite another into his or her own clarity and presence. He does this with penetrating questions, allowing the answers to come not from one's typical "small thinking", but from a deeper place.
Andrew lives connected to his own heart and invites others to risk living into the beauty of their own. He creates a space to feel one's body and its energy and then provides you an opportunity to move to some wider and freer place within.
The results are like some of the "fruit of the spirit" - greater patience, gentleness, peace, kindness and love."
- The Rev. Carleton B. Bakkum
Grace Church
Yorktown, VA
"I had a very enlightening and wonderful meeting with Andrew Delany last week. I am a therapist and life coach. In the one and a half hour session he was able to guide me on a journey that typically takes most experienced therapists and business coaches years to unravel.
I discovered more about myself, my motivation and my business than I have learned in years. I would highly recommend that anyone who has a vision, a dream or a goal take the opportunity to meet with him. It is a truly life-changing experience."
- Jeff Miner
Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Author and Personal Coach For The US Olympic Committee
Kansas City, MO
"Do you really want breakthroughs on the emotional and energetic blocks in your life? Then work with Andrew. He is the best mind/body coach I could ever imagine. Whether he is doing tele-coaching or teaching his Corporate Kinesiology™ material, his attunement and effectiveness are exceptional, compassionate and compelling.
I am always amazed at how much we accomplish in one half hour together. Our sessions take place in the domain of the heart, the soul and the gut - and they work."
Tina Fanning, MD
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
"After many years of unsuccessful attempts to heal failed marriages (with every imaginable type of psychotherapy, vision quests, personal growth workshops, etc.) I decided to take a gamble on the mind/body coaching techniques of Andrew Delany and his wife and partner, Leta Laborde.
I was intrigued by the wide breadth of understanding Andrew displayed regarding the many roads to mind/body integration: philosophy, Jungian dream work, color therapy, vibration, resonance and more.
In just one 2-hour session with Andrew, I was able to access my core dynamics and dislodge a mountain of emotional material that held me in a very stuck place for all of these years. My deep-seated beliefs about myself, my own femininity, my relationships with men were excavated in a compassionate, direct and life- saving way. In their place, I have a secure knowing about my own worth and my connection to the Divine.
I wholeheartedly recommend Andrew Delany's coaching work, and having met his sweet, intelligent and loving spouse, would recommend their work together as well. Since our brief session, I have experienced an easy acceptance of my unmarried status, and a wonderful sense of joy and wholeness."
- Meg Jordan
Cultural Anthropologist
San Francisco, CA